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Mysticism and Modern Thought

Is the Church mystical or modern?

Yet another special feature of the work of this movement is to bring into alliance with the worship of the Church all that is true and good in the modern renaissance of thought, which is finding expression in the newer "borderland" science, mysticism, New Thought, psychical research. and other kindred movements. Believing as this Church does that the ancient rites for the administration of the Sacraments are based in their essentials on the wisdom of the Christ Himself, it considers that these must be essentially scientific. Although little attempt has been made to study the rationale of the spiritual changes they effect in the nature of man, there is no reason to suppose that such studies are beyond our ken.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). In the early days of every Church there are men of vision who, having first-hand knowledge of spiritual truth, are able to speak with the only authority that is worth anything, the authority of knowledge. Spiritual truths are at all times capable of discovery or re-verification by spiritually developed men. As a Church ceases to produce men of knowledge, so do its teachings become narrowed down and hardened, its theology grows legalistic and mechanical, and its priesthood - unable to impart knowledge by process of inner illumination - seeks to impose it by outer authority and persecutes those who resist its will. The Universal Catholic Church aims at being a Gnostic Church, not in the sense of reproducing certain extravagances of early Christianity, but in the sense of aiding its members to reach for themselves this certainty of knowledge - the true Gnosis, of which St. Clement of Alexandria wrote so fervently. The ancient Paths of Purification, Illumination and Union, which in olden times brought the candidate to this certainty, are still open for his treading. Those who approach by the traditional path may still hope to attain to discipleship, or the direct communion with the Master, that should be the aim of every earnest Christian. For the "Way of the Cross" means the progressive unfoldment of the Christ-Spirit within man, and to this end are the Sacraments of His Holy Church appointed.

The Church of the Rose and Cross is a living Christian Church - "modernist," in that in maintains that the forms of religion should keep pace with human growth and enlightenment; "historical," in that it holds that the Church has handed down a very precious heritage from the Christ Himself.