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Act of Faith

We believe in the holy and all glorious Trinity,
The Three Who yet are One, the Father,
Son, and Holy Ghost;

In God the Father who is Wisdom, and Power and Truth and Light,
from Whom do come the worlds and all that is therein, seen or unseen;

And in God the Son, the Lord of Love,
First among many brethren,
Who leadeth us to the glory of the Father,
And is Himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life,
Who for us men came down from heaven, and took the robe of matter,
Yet riseth thence again in ever greater glory to a kingdom without end;

And in God the Holy Ghost, the Life-giver,
Who revealeth Himself through Angels, Prophets, and the Sevenfold Gifts of Fire;

We embrace the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man;
We know that we do serve Him best when best we serve our brother man;
That perfect justice rules the world;
That all His sons shall one day reach His Feet, however far they stray;
We strive towards the ancient narrow Path that leads to life eternal;
We place our trust in the Divine Plan;
We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the coming age.

So shall His power rest upon us, ✠ and peace for evermore. Amen.